Jenny leads thoughtful design projects, from concept to launch.
I’m Jenny Liu Zhang, a digital designer with backgrounds in software development and the arts. I’m a visual and narrative thinker and my work style is energetic and meticulous. I grew up exposed to multiple cultures and have lived in the USA, Europe, and Asia.
I value co-creative collaboration, well-rounded research, and effective communication. Combined with an entrepreneurial mindset, I thrive at the intersection of design, technology, and product. I’m also passionate about good writing and brand storytelling.
End-to-End Design Experience
I got my start at age 11 following and contributing to graphic design blogs, picking up Adobe software and self-teaching HTMLBack when <font> and <center> were still a thing, CSS, and JavaScript to build my own art websites. I still bring this curiosity and personal drive to my craft today. My expertise now ranges from spearheading early UX strategy to designing go-to-market education and promotional campaigns, for both lean and large organizations.
Most recently, I was the first designer at Dorsia, a $35M-backed culture tech startup. I owned early product and marketing design, working closely with senior leadership to strategically facilitate expansion from zero to 60K users, 12 global markets, and five additional designers during my two-year tenure.
Previously, I freelanced design and web development as a digital nomad, joining 13 diverse clients and teams as a cross-functional collaborator. Before that, I led design strategy projects at verynice and worked at Adobe as a UX and product intern for Adobe.com and Creative Cloud respectively.
I’m also the founder and director of an IDEO award-winning design collective called Plot Twisters. We’re a volunteer team of eight creating our flagship product Twisterland, an online game world for journaling and self-reflection.
I attended the University of Southern California on a full-ride merit scholarship, graduating with an interdisciplinary B.S. in “Arts, Technology and Business of Innovation” from the USC Iovine and Young Academy. I’m currently writing my thesis for a part-time M.S. in “Narrative Futures,” a degree on the role of storytelling in modern society, from the Edinburgh Futures Institute at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, UK.
My Digital Nomad Years
I spent 2021-23 as a digital nomadI worked remotely from hostels, Airbnbs, hotel lobbies, trains, and cafes, honing my design and project skills while traveling to 10 countries and 27 cities.

Fallible Metadata
Myers–Briggs ENFJ (sometimes ENFP). Enneagram 1w2. Attitudinal Psyche VFEL. Socionics EII-INFj. Eristics Architect. Aquarius Sun (and stellium), Taurus Moon, Leo Rising.
My Creative Principles
Lead With the Vision
“The ultimate, hidden truth of the world is that it is something that we make, and could just as easily make differently.”
To design is to make something by design. When I’m inspired by a project vision, I seek to clarify its values, affordances, and design criteria—and this is an ongoing process. I holistically consider users, consumers, and stakeholders to ensure the end product is aligned with the future we’re all striving for.
Curiosity Over Criticism
“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.”
Rather than dismissing an idea early on due to an initial bias or negative reaction, I try to unpack what my response reveals about myself and how I interpret the world around me—and whether my interpretations are useful in context. Though this is hard to consistently do, I find that when I let go of overly quick or critical assumptions, I’m more capable of staying open to other subtexts and possibilities, especially what are known as “blind spots” and “unknowns” in Johari’s Window.
Build on Collective Wisdom
“There is a conversation in the room that only these people at this moment can have. Find it.”
Every project is a melding of the unique tastes, knowledge, and perspectives of those involved. Just as biodiversity strengthens ecosystems, cross-functional and interdisciplinary exchange enriches and optimizes creativity. Great insights are revealed where individual experiences resonate or overlap, making the whole stronger than the sum of its parts.
Surprise and Delight
“Anyone who’s a chef, who loves food, ultimately knows that all that matters is: ‘Is it good? Does it give pleasure?’”
A good experience is made of little memories that bring happiness. I strive to design the way I give gifts to friends: with attention to the details. Whether through a clever interaction or beautiful visual motif, I like to invite wonder and joy into my work.
Axioms I Like
Yes, And
This is the famous first rule of improv. It’s hard to get anywhere in creativity if you’re always saying “no” and never playing an idea forward.
Ideas Are Cheap
Execution is expensive.
Kill Your Darlings
I learned this phrase from Mrs. Wray, one of my high school English teachers, and it has never left me. Prioritize effective work over personal attachment.
As Above, So Below
Creations are reflections of their creators. Designs are reflections of their processes. Large initiatives are made up of little activities imbued with the same values. I think of fractals and Conway’s Law.
Enjoy and be one with your work
“Whatever the tasks, do them slowly and with ease, in mindfulness. Don’t do any task in order to get it over with. Resolve to do each job in a relaxed way, with all your attention.” — Thich Nhat Hanh
Education is expensive, but so is ignorance
Growth never comes cheap. I’ve spent a lot of time, energy, and money on mistakes that taught me important life lessons. I consider this “life tax,“ but I’ve learned that I can’t evolve if I don’t pay it.
Every problem has a solution
My mom raised me with this one.
Luck Is Opportunity Meets Preparation
Good things take both hard work and opening doors. Outcomes are in our control.
Trends come and go
Almost everything we make will expire—some tastes just have longer lifecycles. Generally, it’s good to err on the side of long-lasting. But it can also be fun, and sometimes the best choice, to make the ephemeral thing.
The devil’s in the details
Some times it comes down to the little things, so it’s good to be thorough and do your due diligence.
Always Do Your Best
Your “best” will change based on your circumstances at any point in time, but always be positive and work with what you have.
Done Is Better Than Perfect
In the times when our “best” disappoints us (this is inevitable), accept that progress is better than nothing, then rest and prepare for next time.